Effective golf training

Training circuit with Lindsey and Mark

The Corona rules have given us the opportunity to be creative and find new ways to offer coaching to our students. We have set up a training circle and have been using it with the young people for over a year now and have had many positive experiences.

We create a learning environment that is a mix of self-discovery and sorted feedback from us. The model allows us to comply with the Covid rules and offers you a varied training program. We always train in pairs at the Jersbek Golf Club. There are different stations that each team goes through independently. We coaches look at all stations and give you tips or correct you if necessary. Each training session lasts one and a half hours.

training concept

The training is a hybrid model of literature, instructional videos and personal feedback from us. Because of the Covid situation, we will not be doing a joint introduction. Therefore, when you sign up to participate, there is an information sheet outlining how the circuit works and links to instructional videos for each station. So, according to our classification, each team can start directly when you are there. If you have any questions, you can contact us digitally for all your questions. This way we can talk to each other personally if necessary and clarify open questions. Of course you are also welcome to ask us questions during the circle.

The circle is carried out with a training partner, you can register with a partner or alone and we will assign you to a partner.

program duration: The circuit lasts 4 weeks and each circuit lasts an hour and a half.

Number of participants: 18 places per circle are available. 

Costs: Participation costs 80 EUR.

Place: Driving Range/Pitching Green/Academy


Thursdays 14:00-15:30 June 3rd to June 25th

Saturdays 13:00-14:30 June 5th to June 26th

Sign in

Please register personally with Lindsey or Mark (by mail or message), contact details can be found below.


Lindsey and Mark

Lindsey lindsphys@gmail.com 0176 72249169

Mark boughton@wtnet.de 0177 5969142