
Introduction to the world of Vision 54

Vision54 has one big goal: to help golfers play better golf on the golf course. In order to play better on the golf course, a golfer needs basic physical, technical, emotional and social skills. Lynn Marriott and Pia Nilsson have developed 8 Essential Playing Skills over years of training with both professionals and amateurs.

A golfer needs these essential playing skills in addition to technique in order to become a better player on the golf course.

The reality of playing golf

Golf depends on various factors. The factors influence each other and, above all, the golf technique as one of the factors.

Vision54 formula for success:

Strength, Flexibility, Rest, Balance, Hydration, Nutrition, Cardiovascular Fitness

Swing basics, shot variations, aiming, address basics, tempo, quality of practice and the right amount of practice.

Goals, self-communication, motivation, decisions, dreams, being present, judgment

How do you handle it when you find yourself getting nervous, excited, angry, worried.

How do you master different roles in society, other people's opinions, different behaviors, communication skills.

Spirit of the game
What is your love for the game? What is your intrinsic motivation and appreciation for the game?

Vision54's philosophy is to train all of these factors in golf.

Vision54 8 Essential Game Skills (ESF)

8 Essential Game Skills (ESF)
These 8 Essential Playing Skills are the foundation of a successful game of golf on the course.

play box: To hit golf in your ideal state, be present with all your senses.

Deciding and determining: You need a clear, simple, congruent decision for every shot and the courage to commit to one shot.

Balance: A good sense of balance improves your swing and shot:

Time: You want to be in harmony with your body and swing in a day. In order to achieve this goal, you familiarize yourself with your perceived pace.

perceive tension: Tension destroys your swing. Therefore, it is a great challenge to perceive tension and to observe its different tension levels.

Emotional Resilience: If you are emotionally resilient through positive emotions, you will always remain a fully functional person, even when playing golf.

Remembrance: Storing positive memories builds trust.

control self-communication: You are your best friend and coach when playing on the pitch. Make sure you communicate productively with yourself.